Mom and Dad were born and raised in Kansas. They only lived in California for twenty years and that is when Guy and I grew up. I have always felt and appreciated my Kansas, living in the country,background. In fact, some people seriously call me Dorothy and insist that I am from Kansas. I don’t think either Mom or Dad ever really called California “home.” They were both happy to move back to Kansas—even if it was to the city.
As a child, we would occasionally visit Wellington in the summer. It was always fun to be with my grandparents and cousins and I have fond memories of fireflies and hot humid evenings even though air conditioners hummed all night. As I grew older my image of Kansas was simply became a place where Mom and Dad grew up and eventually returned to in their later years.
Spending so much time living with Mom as she grew older gave me a chance to experience Kansas in new ways. Mom and Dad are buried in Wellington but now the cemetery is the only connection I have to my childhood Kansas. Kansas City is different. I look forward to my continued visits because I have strong connections with many of Mom’s neighbors and new friends that came into my life during the time I spent there with Mom. Kansas feels like a second home to me—my roots.