Another unusual day on the scale of “Where are we now?” By the time 2pm arrived this afternoon I couldn’t stand the idea of mom being so close and wondered how was I going to pass the next 24 hours at the house without going to see her. The temperatures were fluctuating between 1º and 3º but finally the snow had stopped falling – I knew it would be a quick and easy walk and now hours later I am happy I made the dash for it and I’m here spending the night in mom’s latest “residence” Making myself at home in mom’s x-homes. It’s the irony once again because she is now sleeping just down the hall and through those Double Doors that have always led to Skilled Nursing.
When I arrived mom was peacefully sleeping – I had already been told she had taken a fall in the night. No surprise – I had a feeling she would attempt to get up on her own and forget that she couldn’t really stand up. Her explanation was that she “got sick last night and was under her bed” I’m not really sure if she slid out of bed or actually fell but she repeatedly informed me of the strong man that picked her up like nothing at all and put her back in bed. Bring on the familiar “I’m amazed by how many men there are here” and I have heard it many times today.
But on day two I realize I am once again hit with “I don’t know” concerning the big picture. I am told she has an assigned doctor and I hope to meet him/her tomorrow. I have no idea what medications she is taking since her hospital adventure, no idea how her follow up will be maintained – basically no idea of how to pick up all of those things that continue to fall through the cracks. I’m now questioning the surveillance I found such comfort in last night.