Once mom realized she was ready to move everything seemed to shift. There is actually a sense of excitement or adventure in the air and I’m hoping this next phase will be fun. The logistics are certainly not worked out yet but we do know she will need to decide what furniture she will want. We have a meeting at Villa Gardens on Monday and that will set the actual timing of the move. We just spent Sunday getting kind of grounded.
Now it’s Monday afternoon and I’m hoping all of my enthusiasm wasn’t too hasty. Mom is really moving slow today and seems to think she needs Assisted Living instead of Independent Living. I don’t think she has a clear understanding of the difference and still feel like Independent will be fine. Perhaps it’s because the reality of moving and also realizing and admitting that she needs assistance is what is overcoming her today. I’m just letting her rest while I try to figure out the next steps.
A rock and a hard place It’s Thursday now and time seems to have stood still. Very little progress has been made and I find myself just waiting around – mostly adjusting to the change in mom’s energy. She spends hours sleeping or napping and I once again hope this is just how she is processing the change that is before her. She’s kind of distant and doesn’t have much enthusiasm or appetite.
Today will be more of a test of the reality because we will probably go to the Villa and sign the papers. It feels right and it feels scary and unknown. We made a short visit on Tuesday for “Ice cream hour” and mom truly enjoyed her visit. She even said afterward that she liked talking to the ladies. It was the most animated and awake I have see since I’ve been here. That helps reassure me that it will all work out and she will enjoy herself once she settles in. Now my concern is for her physical capabilities.