It was no surprise that the sun finally came out just before 2 in the afternoon. The house was filled with friends, neighbors and relatives. Many were neighbors who had moved away years ago and their children were now grown. The memorial also became a reunion for them — remembering mom from as far back for some as 40 years. They came because she was still in their hearts and they met new neighbors that were now living in their old homes. They talked about how much their children loved mom when they were growing up. The neighbors across the street could not attend because they just had a baby girl arrive the day after mom died and when I saw the baby the next day I was told her name is Lucy. It’s a beautiful neighborhood.
Everyone loved having the service and the memorial in mom’s house and it felt like there was no other place it could have been. The service was given by the pastor from Dean and Martha’s church and was held in the living room. The same room I have found such quiet comfort in for over a year now. The “off-limits” room mom never used because she wanted to keep everything “nice”. In the end it was saved for what was most appropriate. Her memorial service.
A beautiful surprise for me was to see Lucy come through the door. I had not seen her since she left Garden Villas January 1st and she and Anna were such a big part of mom’s transition time when she began her life out of her own home last August. Lucy always saved the day! And, of course, Leonor was there with her beautiful smile reminding us all of how much she has been a part of mom’s life for the last eight years. Mom’s special angel. Cousin Sharon and family were there as well as cousin Jack. The Seelys from Tonganoxie and John and Vaughn from Leavenworth.
All of this would have been impossible without the never ending help that Dean and Martha have so lovingly provided. Guy and I did not do any of the preparation and it all happened. When the last guest was gone we fell into a beautiful silence that we quietly maintained until he left on Monday afternoon.
- Dean and Martha
- Guy with flowers from Kidders
- Flowers from Sue
- Vaughn, Joan, Nancy, Guy and John
- Joan, Jack, Stacy, Guy, Harold, Nancy, Shari and Ken
- Sharon, Malory, Jay, Nancy and Guy
- With Guy and Leanor
- The biggest bouquet I’ve ever seen from Di
- Lilacs and red roses from my Valley friends.
- Yellow tulips from Aneice
- The day after the memorial with the flowers from Sue.
- White roses waiting for my return home.