This post has now become an extended Valentine’s Day but that’s just fine because I love how mom’s spirit has carried on. There was so much excitement for her on the actual day and it seemed to extend on into the rest of the week. Lenoror was there on Valentine’s Day with a heart shaped box of candy for her and was able to get some great photos of the events of the day. My favorite photo is looking at what mom wore for the special day. She picked a Theme Outfit! A bright right red v-neck sweater worn over a white t-shirt with little red roses and then the best part – Red Shoes.
I’m happy Leonor was there to also get a picture of Jackie because she was mom’s first favorite Meals on Wheels delivery volunteer. I continue to be amazed with how quickly mom has accepted Meals on Wheels. It was a rather long battle and I din’t think she would jump in right away but now it is a daily activity she looks forward to and for me this includes relief from the prime benefits of Meals on Wheels. Prepared warm meals five days a week and knowing that there will be someone ringing her door bell with a friendly “Hello” and therefore checking in on her. When I talked to her yesterday I realized she had all of the upcoming meals memorized and knew which ones she was looking forward to the most. It’s a big “YES” for the whole thing.